Archived Pages from 20th Century!!

The Men's Defense Association

Advocates for men and fathers

Divorce Racket Busters

The oldest and most trusted source of help for men - since 1972
A non-profit organization.
The ONLY source of checked-out referral attorneys -- nationwide.

Avant Garde on behalf of men, manhood, families, children, and justice. Fighting the good fight against discrimination in divorce, employment, crime punishment, and defamation of image. Warning!! These pages are politically incorrect.

Do a favor for a divorcing or divorced friend or for any man facing other anti-male discriminations, steer him to this site. He'll thank you for it.

It is a worthy thing to fight for one's freedom; it is another sight finer to fight for another man's." - Mark Twain
Gifts, Grants, and Donations are gratefully accepted.


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