Archived Pages from 20th Century!!

Welcome to the Megalith Picture Pages. I am working on the installation of a picture database covering megalithic sites in the world, as well as building up a library of interesting links to this theme; so if you have any hot tips or free photographs, please get in touch with me. After a year I present now more and more pictures from different countries. This summer I was both in Carnac (south of Brittany) and, few weeks later in north Germany. The results you can see as "New" pages...
...visit my homepage... 
I can show here only small pictures; if you want bigger color images, please let me know via e-mail how you intend to use them, and I'll send them to you.

J1 - J3 Stonehenge, England.
Photos by © Julia Haverkamp

I have been asked by several people why I have not included more theoretical background on the megaliths. The reason is that many people have written on the subject, and I don't want to repeat informations you can get elsewhere. What I would like to present, however, are irregularly appearing essays and e-mails from megaliths-friends on the FORUM - page and small megalithic GLOSSARY with the explanation of the main megalithic terms..

This page has been visited  times since the count restarted on 17.1.1997
Page design by © Jan Bily
Last update 1. 12. 1997
This is for searching machines: Megalith megaliths megalithic stone circle stone circles dolmen menhir ancient sites archaeology prehistory Megalith megaliths megalithic stone circle stone circles dolmen menhir ancient sites archaeology prehistory Megalith megaliths megalithic stone circle stone circles dolmen menhir ancient sites archaeology prehistory Megalith megaliths megalithic stone circle stone circles dolmen menhir ancient sites archaeology prehistory Megalith megaliths megalithic stone circle stone circles dolmen menhir ancient sites archaeology prehistory