Archived Pages from 20th Century!!

The Koran

Simple Searches: Single word and phrase searches 
throughout the entire Koran

Proximity Searches: Find the co-occurrence of two or
three words or phrases.

Boolean Searches: Find combinations of two or three 
words in a given verse

Browse the Koran: Select individual chapters

About the Koran

This is an electronic version of The Holy Qur'an, translated by M.H. Shakir and published by Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an, Inc., in 1983. The text was provided by the Online Book Initiative and subsequently marked up at the HTI in SGML. Like all the versions of this text derived from the Online Book Initiative, it is not free from errors. We will strive to correct any errors pointed out to us.

[email protected]

Last revision 18 February 1997.