Archived Pages from 20th Century!!

Living Life with Love-
Introduction | Living Life based on Love vs. Fear | Forgiveness
Sin | Achieving Your Purpose | Money, Greed and Hope


Love is what we are born with. It is equivalent to life, God, the oneness of all things, etc. Love is something that all of us experience on a certain level. It is the whole of all life found on earth. It is the driving force of physics and the way to turn energy into matter. It is the randomness of our senses and the order of the universe. Nothing stands against love...NOTHING! Love ties everything together and leaves out nothing. The condition of love on this planet is a collective whole of all actions occurring between all life. Our love is sick right now, but love can overcome.

Living Life based on Love vs. Fear

I need to get this concept introduced to you as it is imperative for growth. We all know what these two words mean. Love is positive energy feeling and fear is the opposite. One would think that hate is the opposite of love, but hate is an active form of fear.

When we love something or somebody, we tend to draw it near to us. In this new bonding of love, positive side affects come about like affection, joy, companionship, etc. When we fear something or somebody, we tend to send it away from us. The by-products of this action are hate, resentment, repulsion, etc.

Taken to a deeper level, we can see how we make decisions in our daily lives. The lesson of a love or fear based decisions in our lives is this: If you do something that makes your heart happy, then it is a Love decision. If you do something because you worry about the outcome if you do not take the action, then it is of fear. This is a very fine line and it takes a lot of practice and inner thinking. If you figure out afterwards that the past decision was definitely a fear based one, do yourself a favor. Stop that path and try better next time. The balance point teeters on how many Life decisions are love or fear based. If you have more love based decisions, then your life will move in a positive direction and you will fulfill your soul's purpose. This will be evident in your general attitude, health, friends, environment, etc. If you have mostly fear decisions, then the opposite will hold true.

To help you along on this new self-life assessment, here are a few examples:

  1. Taking a job which pays more money over another because you fear not being able to afford the accessories in your lifestyle.
  2. Moving to a new area because you love the weather, people, etc.
  3. Going back to school because you love learning.
  4. Keeping company with a more "odd" crowd because you love their company despite what others are saying.
  5. Going to church because you fear persecution.
As you can see, each of these statements have the opposite equivalent. The trick to this is to dig deep in your heart to find out your true motivation...Love or Fear.

Of course, we would be happier if we were all living on the positive side of this equation, and our society would improve dramatically, but there is a catch. The catch is this: if we are all living to our heart's desire, we would "butt heads" with others doing things we don't like. Here is the solution...tolerance.

Tolerance and understanding are key to getting along. Think of a world where everyone is doing their heart's desire. This would be a happy place. We need to understand that we are all different. Our essence is different, our upbringing is different, our environment is different. Tolerance is the way for us to understand these differences and to work at solutions; to allow others the space needed to be who they are in this life. Unfortunately, we are imperfect in our dealings with each other. We name call and hurt others. Sometimes, we physically hurt each other due to our differences, and sometimes we kill. Mistakes are made and there seems that there is no way to patch what has been done, but there is! The healing mechanism is called forgiveness.