Archived Pages from 20th Century!!

Timeline of the Seven Thousand Years of Measured Time


This timeline is a portion of

"Prophecy: The Second Coming of Jesus Christ"


The Timeline of the Seven Thousand Years of Measured Time is a clickable map graphic created from the physical plotting of the literal, historical, Holy Word of God, with a prophetic projection.


The following five images are parts of the clickable map, and were created to accommodate browsers that cannot print the full graphic. It is suggested that the images be printed individually and then spliced into a continuous graphic. The images below are not clickable maps.

The Timeline from Infinity to 1500 AA (After Adam)

The Timeline from 1500 AA to 900 BC

The Timeline from 900 BC to 750 AD

The Timeline from 750 AD to 250 years into Millenium

The Timeline from 250 years into the Millenium to Infinity