Archived Pages from 20th Century!!

Jacques-Edouard Berger
A Shared Vision

Voyages Pour l'Art

In Construction


What is essential in my approach consists of not "letting the others profit," as is too often thought, but to PROFIT ALONG WITH OTHERS from the dual experience of my studies and travel, sharing the emotions of my discoveries and encounters, to maintain faith in this miracle that is life.
J-E Berger
Collecting in the eyes of the world - Claude Ritschard

(french version)
(french version)
(french version)
(french version)
JEB speaks :
Those gods being unearthed
Archeology and Modern Art
A propos de concerts
Elégie pour un piédestal vide...

His friends bear witness :
René Berger
Rose-Marie Berger
Guy Weelen
Jean-Pierre Pastori
Philippe/Truus Salomon-de Jong
Rosmarie Lippuner
Antoine Bagi
Branka Sondermayer Jacques Monnier-Raball

World Art Treasures